get started

sustainability through electrification

learning how to make your home more sustainable is the first step towards environmental stewardship and energy independence. Whether you’re considering a new build or looking to retrofit your existing home, our resources will help you make an informed decision.

why electrification?

increase in-home energy efficiency

reduce your home's carbon footprint

improve your indoor air quality

using this Site

this site covers everything from electrification strategies and materials to wildfire protection and water use, all of which you can find on the Best Practices page Best Practices page. Some of these strategies have rebates to make them more affordable. And for those ready to connect with people who can help you update your home systems, visit the contractors page for a directory of local contractors ready to help you get started.

what is a high-performance home?

high-performance homes exceed building standards and are designed to be more efficient, durable, self-reliant, and comfortable than conventional homes. There are many approaches to creating a high-performance home, but all have major benefits to our quality of life.

benefits of a high-performance home

  • more energy-independent
  • healthier indoor air quality
  • increased comfort and resilience
  • increased resistance to future wildfires and smoke damage
  • reduced energy costs
  • decrease chances of developing respiratory illness

home scale

scale down the square footage by utilizing space efficiently. An average home uses 0.45 kWh per square foot; the fewer the square feet, the less energy a house will require to run.

sustainable building

by incorporating the elements below, you can transform your living space into a high-performance home that maximizes its durability and energy efficiency. 

top actions

home energy audit - energy auditor writing on clipboard

home energy audit

Sign up for a free audit from NorthWestern Energy to identify how energy is being used in your home. Alternatively, perform your own energy audit.

A portable induction stove – black and flat, with no visible coils

tight building envelope

Use high-performance insulation materials with continuous install in walls, roofs, and floors to minimize heat loss while ensuring quality air sealing.

A portable induction stove – black and flat, with no visible coils

landscaping changes

Replace lawns with native, drought-tolerant plants and defensible space to drastically cut down on irrigation needs.

irrigation system & settings - sprinkler watering lawn

irrigation settings & system

Update your schedule and inspect the system to ensure efficiency. Convert spray irrigation systems to drip irrigation. Install weather-based smart controllers and/or rain sensors.

A portable induction stove – black and flat, with no visible coils

heat pump installation

Replace propane heaters with high-efficiency electric heat pumps for both heating and cooling, significantly cutting energy use.

A portable induction stove – black and flat, with no visible coils

wildfire home hardening

Retrofit homes with fire-resistant materials and vent coverings to reduce vulnerability to wildfires. Don’t know where to start? Invite Big Sky Fire Department for a wildfire home assessment.

windows & doors - person applying window seal to window

windows & doors

Air seal windows and doors. If necessary, replace old, single-pane windows with double or triple-glazed, low-emissivity windows to improve thermal performance and reduce energy loss.

A portable induction stove – black and flat, with no visible coils

solar panel installation changes

Retrofit roofs with solar photovoltaic panels to generate renewable energy and reduce dependence on propane and grid electricity.

A portable induction stove – black and flat, with no visible coils

smart home technology

Integrate smart thermostats, energy monitoring systems, and water meters to optimize energy and water use, and provide real-time data for better resource management.

Explore Our Home Efficiency Lessons

protecting your home while you're away

heading out of town? Make sure your home is efficiently set up while your gone. Click below for our comprehensive Idle Home Checklist designed to help you save energy, reduce costs, and protect your home while you’re away.

interested in landscaping?
check out Alpenscapes, Big Sky’s go-to resource for creating appealing, alpine-appropriate landscapes that are fire-safe, water-wise, and ecosystem-friendly.